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What’s going on?

Taken by Matt K
A young EbonixEsra with legs crossed, painting a human with ram horns on their head. 

As you may have (or not) noticed, my business website is now named etherealxearth.net (or you can call it exe, pronounced “X-E”). The original name was ebonixesra.com, after my personal artist name, EbonixEsra.

The reason behind the name change is simple, I wanted to seperate my business from the name in which I will be creating music because while my music is hyper focused on my experience, my vision of EtherealxEarth is to make this a community space where individuals that are nuerodiverse, LGBTQIA+ and people of color of various faiths can share their experiences as they navigate the physical world as spiritual people—even if for now it is solely me posting to this website. Note, if you’re interested in hearing my music in its early stages, feel free to check out www.ebonixesra.com .

Here are things you can find on this website going forward:

Numerology based playlists
Articles focused on practical forms of practicing the craft
Craft (knitting, crochet, scrapbooking) tutorials and how they relate to Numerology, Astrology, and deeper spiritual beliefs
Our Boutique which has numerology and craft based goods and services
Vlogs exploring fashion, movies, TV, books and daily life through a magic/numerology lense.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to send them here.